
快到了,马上到了怎么说?We are almost there / nearly there / closeby / very close. 如果你是在等待别人前来,想问对方快到了么,把there换成here就可以了:Are you almost here / nearly here / closeby / very close?

微信公众号:parents_english 你和宝宝说英语

To put something on paper with a pen or pencil. To use a computer to type text.

The teacher told the children to sit on the carpet. (插图来自美国双语小学神奇单词记忆教材《Amaze》)

130. I beg your pardon? 请您再说一遍(我没有听清)。



Hold on a second. I’ll just get my notes.

A conjunction that joins parts of speech together in a sentence.


My bag is similar to yours 我的包和你的很相似

30. Follow me. 跟我来。

I like to play football with my brother.

170. I’ll see you at six. 我六点钟见你。

250. I felt no regret for it. 对这件事我不觉得后悔。


An edible substance that people, animals, and plants eat to live.

Not ever.


There is a line. 这儿在排队呢。

40. Watch out! 当心。


If animals don’t have enough water to drink, they will die.

I make you read books 我使你读书



180. Did you miss the bus? 你错过公共汽车了?

100. I’ll fix you Up. 我会帮你打点的

Just a few more minutes.

To have fun with someone or engage in an activity or sport.

50. Let me see.让我想想

The title of a place, book, person, etc.

Queue /kjuː/:队列;排队

The opposite of a friend. A competitor or rival.


1,Both 。。。and 两者都。。。,both of 两者

2,Should 应该, had better 最好 (后跟动词原形)

3,the same as 和。。。一样

4,as 。。。as 和。。。一样

5,care about =care for 关心,在意

6,as long as 只要, if 假如,unless 除非,as soon as 一。。。就

7,make sb do sth 使某人做某事

8,be similar to 与。。。相似

9,whether (是否)(后可以跟or not)和if (假如,是否)

10,like (像,喜欢)as 像,作为

11,beat 打败,win 赢得

12,aloud =loudly 大声地

To travel to and from a location.

A male child.

150. He is a smart boy. 他是个小机灵鬼。

140. There comes a bus. 汽车来了。

The little boy asked his mother if she would buy him candy.


Cut in line

To finish something or come to a conclusion.

The inside of the house was warm and cozy. (插图来自美国双语小学神奇单词记忆教材《Amaze》)

I will tell you as soon as he comes here 他一来这里,我就告诉你

A long line

We go to school every day.

To listen to something.


Something that comes after an event in a sequence.

He works as a worker 他工作作为一个工人

I care about you 我关心你=I care for you

I think all pets should have a home.

“Yes, I’m here,” the student said when the teacher called her name.(插图来自美国双语小学神奇单词记忆教材《Amaze》)

但他的政党不太可能立即赶他下台。这将需要54名议员签署一份不信任信,然后180名议员,或议会政党的一半,投票罢免他。自从玛格丽特·撒切尔(Margaret Thatcher)时代以来,保守党无情弑君的说法完全是无稽之谈。自那以后,它对表现稍逊非常容忍:倒霉的特蕾莎·梅两年前失去了该党的多数席位,而她仅在2019年才遭免职。一些保守党“后座议员”(指普通议员)对元气大伤的首相很满意,因为这让他在防疫政策和英国退欧问题上顺从。

